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Creating registers in SpinalHDL is very different than in VHDL or Verilog.

In Spinal, there are no process/always blocks. Registers are explicitly defined at declaration. This difference from traditional event-driven HDL has a big impact:

  • You can assign registers and wires in the same scope, meaning the code doesn’t need to be split between process/always blocks

  • It make things much more flexible (see Functions)

Clocks and resets are handled separately, see the Clock domain chapter for details.


There are 4 ways to instantiate a register:



Reg(type : Data)

Register of the given type

RegInit(resetValue : Data)

Register loaded with the given resetValue when a reset occurs

RegNext(nextValue : Data)

Register that samples the given nextValue each cycle

RegNextWhen(nextValue : Data, cond : Bool)

Register that samples the given nextValue when a condition occurs

Here is an example declaring some registers:

// UInt register of 4 bits
val reg1 = Reg(UInt(4 bits))

// Register that samples reg1 each cycle
val reg2 = RegNext(reg1 + 1)

// UInt register of 4 bits initialized with 0 when the reset occurs
val reg3 = RegInit(U"0000")
reg3 := reg2
when(reg2 === 5) {
  reg3 := 0xF

// Register that samples reg3 when cond is True
val reg4 = RegNextWhen(reg3, cond)

The code above will infer the following logic:



The reg3 example above shows how you can assign the value of a RegInit register. It’s possible to use the same syntax to assign to the other register types as well (Reg, RegNext, RegNextWhen). Just like in combinational assignments, the rule is ‘Last assignment wins’, but if no assignment is done, the register keeps its value.

Also, RegNext is an abstraction which is built over the Reg syntax. The two following sequences of code are strictly equivalent:

// Standard way
val something = Bool()
val value = Reg(Bool())
value := something

// Short way
val something = Bool()
val value = RegNext(something)

Reset value

In addition to the RegInit(value : Data) syntax which directly creates the register with a reset value, you can also set the reset value by calling the init(value : Data) function on the register.

// UInt register of 4 bits initialized with 0 when the reset occurs
val reg1 = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) init(0)

If you have a register containing a Bundle, you can use the init function on each element of the Bundle.

case class ValidRGB() extends Bundle{
  val valid   = Bool()
  val r, g, b = UInt(8 bits)

val reg = Reg(ValidRGB())
reg.valid init(False)  // Only the valid if that register bundle will have a reset value.

Initialization value for simulation purposes

For registers that don’t need a reset value in RTL, but need an initialization value for simulation (to avoid x-propagation), you can ask for a random initialization value by calling the randBoot() function.

// UInt register of 4 bits initialized with a random value
val reg1 = Reg(UInt(4 bits)) randBoot()

Register vectors

As for wires, it is possible to define a vector of registers with Vec.

val vecReg1 = Vec(Reg(UInt(8 bits)), 4)
val vecReg2 = Vec.fill(8)(Reg(Bool()))

Initialization can be done with the init method as usual, which can be combined with the foreach iteration on the registers.

val vecReg1 = Vec(Reg(UInt(8 bits)) init(0), 4)
val vecReg2 = Vec.fill(8)(Reg(Bool()))
vecReg2.foreach(_ init(False))

In case where the initialization must be deferred since the init value is not known, use a function as in the example below.

case class ShiftRegister[T <: Data](dataType: HardType[T], depth: Int, initFunc: T => Unit) extends Component {
   val io = new Bundle {
      val input  = in (dataType())
      val output = out(dataType())

   val regs = Vec.fill(depth)(Reg(dataType()))

   for (i <- 1 to (depth-1)) {
         regs(i) := regs(i-1)

   regs(0) := io.input
   io.output := regs(depth-1)

object SRConsumer {
   def initIdleFlow[T <: Data](flow: Flow[T]): Unit = {
      flow.valid init(False)

class SRConsumer() extends Component {
   val sr = ShiftRegister(Flow(UInt(8 bits)), 4, SRConsumer.initIdleFlow[UInt])

Transforming a wire into a register

Sometimes it is useful to transform an existing wire into a register. For instance, when you are using a Bundle, if you want some outputs of the bundle to be registers, you might prefer to write io.myBundle.PORT := newValue without declaring registers with val PORT = Reg(...) and connecting their output to the port with io.myBundle.PORT := PORT. To do this, you just need to use .setAsReg() on the ports you want to control as registers:

val io = new Bundle {
   val apb = master(Apb3(apb3Config))

io.apb.PWRITE.setAsReg() init (False)

when(someCondition) {
   io.apb.PWRITE := True

Notice in the code above that you can also specify an initialization value.


The register is created in the clock domain of the wire, and does not depend on the place where .setAsReg() is used.

In the example above, the wire is defined in the io Bundle, in the same clock domain as the component. Even if io.apb.PADDR.setAsReg() was written in a ClockingArea with a different clock domain, the register would use the clock domain of the component and not the one of the ClockingArea.